уторак, 28. март 2017.

Razgovor u jednom pravcu

U zagrebu, na fakultetu.

Gde se vodi razgovor medju profesorom i studentima koji su većina Hrvati - Katolici, orijentirani na Zapad.

Šta god ja rekao Istočni Slavenski katolik neće promeniti determinisani pravac.

Kao da sam u seo u vlak u Zagrebu i idem u Karlovac, šta god radio ne mogu promeniti pravac, samo prikočiti. 

уторак, 21. март 2017.

О посту

Нєшка ше вери же Пост то лєм Церковни прескриптивни закон. Перше, треба дефиновац цо то наисце Пост: "Пост то одреканє од жемских доброх".  Друге, прецо посциц, цо ми доставаме? Одреканьом од жемских доброх, нам остава вецей шлєбодного простору, часу и енергиї. Я верим же пост єдно орудиє зоз котрим ми одруцуєме поєдинєчни жемски нє нужни ствари за нашо иснованє, ствари котри нас вяжу як ланци за тот жемски живот, и доходзиме до битних(есенцијалних) и общих стварох, же би зме були щешлїви, випольнєти и шлєбодни.
(Приклад: Древо котре засадзене у загради а ми тоти котри окопуєме коровче же би древко могло роснуц и дац плоди)

Перше, пост то одрекаНЈе од стварох котри уходза до нас. А то прејг наших чуствох, (очи, уха, јазик, нос, и дотик). Уж у 2-3 року нашохо живота на тим швеце ми починаме вихлједовац швет и шицко сцеме видзиц, чуц, дотикнуц, покоштовац. Велји ствари добри и вец добиваме задоволјство, а даједни чкодлјиви и вец јак пошлјидок добиваме болј. Ми звикли шицко покоштовац цо нам ше дава у тим швеце и наполјниц својо капацитет 100%. Наприклад, кед зме на дајакеј госцини

 жалудок треба пополнјиц 100%, а веЛЈо раз и конзумираме жемски добра понад наших капацитетох.

Кед посциме ми нашо капацитети нје пополјнјујеме скроз и остава нам нје вихасновани час, енергија, простор у жалудку.

2 Друге, то процес котри ше одбува у нас. Прејг наших чуствох жемски добра уходза до нас јак дајаки информацији котри ше обрабјају у нашим жалудку и розуму.

Ked nje popoljnjime svoj prostor, cas I nje unaprjamic, tj. vihasnujeme energiju na dyepojedni stvari, mi pociname hljedac coska inse ze bi yme popoljnjeli svoj prostor , cas I kadzik unaprjamic svoju energiju

3 Треце, то тото цо виходзи зоз нас. Прејг нашохо цела, најчастејше устох и рукох, прејг нашохо дјијствованја.

Odrekanje od zemskih dobroh dobre preto \e ked stracime stvari ljebo ked ih [e odreknjeme I distancirame vidyime \e su nam nje teljo njeobhodni I keljo yme buli navjayani na njih, mo\eme pocustvovac I jedno oljeh;anje, jednu vek[u sljebodu.

Ked konstantno bereme \emski dobra voni prestavaju buc slatki jak ked yme ih per[iray v\ali, u dyepojednih slu;ajih koli;estvo nam nje dostato;ne \enje nas da bereme vecej. Napriklad jak kafa, tj, kofein na kotri y casom  toleranciju

Vecej yname cenjic stvari ked ih nje mame dasklejo dnji i vec ih ya[ veynjeme.

петак, 3. фебруар 2017.

Nomadic life

Road trips were like my lifestyle, 
my home was everywhere and nowhere.

Living the minimalistic life, 
just the things I really need.

Driving in my car, only
roof above me, some food
and clothes. 

I could count my friends 
on my left hand, just enough
space in the car for all of them.

петак, 25. новембар 2016.

Letters to a Young Poet

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” 
― Rainer Maria Rilke

субота, 19. новембар 2016.

Consciousness and Unconsciousness mind.

In Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict. According to Freud, the unconscious continues to influence our behavior and experience, even though we are unaware of these underlying influences.

The Unconscious Mind: Below the Surface of Awareness

The unconscious mind is often represented as an iceberg. Everything above the water represents conscious awareness while everything below the water represents the unconscious. The things that represent our conscious awareness are simply "the tip of the iceberg." The rest of the information that is outside of conscious awareness lies below the surface. While this information might not be accessible consciously, it still exerts an influence over current behavior.
Freud believed that many of our feelings, desires, and emotions are repressed or held out of awareness. Why? Because, he suggested, they were simply too threatening. Freud believed that sometimes these hidden desires and wishes make themselves known through dreams and slips of the tongue (aka "Freudian slips").

How Is Unconscious Information Brought Into Awareness?

Freud also believed that he could bring these unconscious feelings into awareness through the use of a technique called free association.
He asked patients to relax and say whatever came to mind without any consideration of how trivial, irrelevant, or embarrassing it might be. By tracing these streams of thought, Freud believed he could uncover the contents of the unconscious mind where repressed desires and painful childhood memories existed.


They are real, because I made them real.

It is a like a self-sabotaugee action from my uncounscience mind, or "Life is to hard so I will just fold my arms and do nothing"

Is it possible that my uncounscience mind is in charge here?!