уторак, 24. мај 2016.

Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic

Old Church Slavonic (pronunciation: /sləˈvɒnɪk//slæˈ-/),[2] also known as Old Church Slavic (/ˈslɑːvɪkˈslæ-/;[2][3] often abbreviated to OCS; self-name словѣ́ньскъ ѩꙁꙑ́къslověnĭskŭ językŭ), was the first Slavic literary language. The 9th-century Byzantine missionaries Saints Cyril and Methodius of SlavicGreek descent, or both, are credited with standardizing the language and using it in translating the Bible and other Ancient Greek ecclesiastical texts as part of the Christianization of the Slavs.[4][5] It is thought to have been based primarily on the dialect of the 9th century Byzantine Slavs living in the Province of Thessalonica (now in Greece). It played an important role in the history of the Slavic languages and served as a basis and model for later Church Slavonic traditions, and some Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches use this later Church Slavonic as a liturgical language to this day. As the oldest attested Slavic language, OCS provides important evidence for the features of Proto-Slavic, the reconstructed common ancestor of all Slavic languages. 

9th–11th centuries; then evolved into several variants of Church Slavonic

Church Slavonic


A clever but false argument, especially one used deliberately to deceive.

Three Opposing Viewpoints on problem?

"There is no man without problems"

People who know that they have problems and they are working on them.
People who know that they have problems but they are just hiding and ignoring, instead of dealing with it. "Sweep under the carpet"
People who do not know that they have problems.

Kako omogućiti dostupnost informacija u jednoj zajednici?

Jedan od najvećih problema bio je a sada na potpuno drugačiji način i dalje ostao u današnjem društvu je kako doći do tačne i kvalitetne informacije? Ova tema je važna zato što u moru informacija, dezinformacija i slučajno raširenih dezinformacija, dostupnosti WWW, prava je umetnost pronaći i prepoznati kvalitetnu informaciju. Ja verujem da na nivou jednog sela, grada, jedino povezivanjem svih mogućih institucija, kao što su to Crkva, škola, vrtić, ambulanta, centar za slušanje i re-edukaciju njihovih predstavnika koji moraju i sami da veruju u ovaj projekat, moguće je da pojedinac u potrebi dobije kvalitetnu informaciju.

Kooperacijom, možemo biti podrška jedni drugima, dopuniti jedni druge, preusmeriti jedne na druge, gde jedni padnu drugi mogu da nastave.

Indiferentnost u zajednici je jedan od najvećih problema današnjice. 

"Danas, pred raspravom i analizom, svako mišljenje gubi ugled; oštrica mu se brzo otupi i opstaje sasvim malo ideja kadrih da nas strasno ponesu. Savremenog čoveka sve više savladava ravnodušnost."   Gistav Le Bon - Psihologija gomila


U dialogu sa osobama koja imaju psihičke probleme uvek moramo da mi vodimo kuda će ići, nikad pustiti da oni vode.
Zbog mogućih manipulacija od njihove strane,  

Teizam, ateizam, agnosticizam.

"Svaka dalja analiza verujem ili ne verujem vodi ka ne znam"

"We cannot doubt of our existence while we doubt …"
"Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum" 
(I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am) - Rene Descartes
"Verujem dakle postojim"
"Verujem dakle biću"

Svaka sumnja ispred roditelja je uvek bila propraćena užasom, "Kako možeš da sumnjaš u Boga?"
Moje subjektivno mišljenje da postoje 3 opcije u tom momentu.
Prva, da poslušam roditelje i da nastavim da verujem zato što mi je otac sveštenik, zato što sam vaspitan od malena da verujem, zato što je vera u Boga uvek bila u našoj tradiciji i da to nikad ne dovodim u pitanje.
Druga, da sebi dopustim sumnju i da izgubim veru.
Treća, da sebi dopustim sumnju i da produbim veru.

Teza + antiteza = sinteza

U principu stvari nisu onakve kako izgledaju na prvi pogled. 
Kad se dublje uđe u materiju, ishod može biti iznenađujući.


Anđeli su ispred kafane, a đavoli ispred crkve...


To je klasična zamena teza, zna se za koga se veže crkva a za koga kafana.


Anđeli izbegavaju kafane i kad uđemo u nju oni nas čekaju ispred. 
Đavoli ne idu u crkvu i obavezno ostanu ispred da nas sačekaju.

Pannonian Rusyn language ("Slavic Esperanto".)

Pannonian Rusyn (руски язик or руска бешеда) or simply Rusyn (or Ruthenian) is a Slavic language or dialect spoken byPannonian Rusyns in north-western Serbia (Bačka region) and eastern Croatia (therefore also called Yugoslavo-Ruthenian,Vojvodina-Ruthenian or Bačka-Ruthenian). It is similar to East Slavic languages, but has West Slavic phonetics and vocabulary. It has been influenced by surrounding South Slavic languages (Serbian and Croatian). Pannonian Rusyn is one of the official languages of the Serbian Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.[1]
While it is classified as a microlanguage by the Serbian authors[citation needed], it is considered a Ukrainian dialect inUkraine[citation needed], and simply as a Rusyn (Ruthenian) language dialect by Slovaks and northern Ruthenians.
Like the northern Rusyn language, it constitutes a mixture of some Eastern Slovak dialects and East Slavic features (namely,Russian Church SlavonicRussian and Old Ruthenian). This mixture is because these Rusyns emigrated to Bačka from EasternSlovakia and Western Ukraine around the middle of the 18th century. Like most modern Ruthenians, they are Greek Catholics and therefore have closer ties with Ukraine. The language also has some South Slavic features, and it is sometimes called a "SlavicEsperanto".
Since the Rusyn language was officially not recognized in Czechoslovakia and Ukraine in the past, the Rusyns in Yugoslavia, where the language was recognized, had to create their own language codification: The language has been codified by Mikola Kočiš in "Правопис руского язика" (Pravopis ruskoho yazika; "Orthography of Rusyn", 1971) and "Ґраматика руского язика" (Gramatika ruskoho yazika; "Grammar of Rusyn", 1974) and is written with Cyrillic letters:
The Pannonian Rusyn alphabet
А аБ бВ вà 㥠ґД дЕ еЄ є
Ж жЗ зИ иЇ їЙ йК кЛ лМ м
Н нО оП пР рС сТ тУ уФ ф
Х хЦ цЧ чШ шЩ щЮ юЯ яЬ ь
It is essentially the same as the Ukrainian alphabet, except for not having the letter І, і.
Pannonian Rusyns themselves call their language Bačvan'ska ruska bešeda (бачваньска руска бешеда), or Bačvan'ski ruski yazik(бачваньски руски язик), both meaning "Rusyn language of Bačka". Their cultural centre is Ruski Krstur (Руски Керестур, Serbian:Руски Крстур / Ruski Krstur). Although the number of Pannonian Rusyns is much lower than that of the northern Rusyns(Transcarpathian Ruthenians) — just 23,286 according to the Yugoslav census of 1981 — they were lucky to live in a multinational state that granted them certain minority rights as early as the 1970s, so that there is a Rusyn language high school in Ruski Kerestur (with some 250 schoolbooks printed so far for this school and elementary schools[citation needed]), a professorial chair for Rusyn studies at Novi Sad University.[2] [3] There are regular television and radio programmes in Pannonian Rusyn, including the multilingual radio station Radio Novi Sad, which serves all of Vojvodina. The breakdown of minutes of Novi Sad original broadcasting by language in 2001 was: 23.5% Serbian, 23.5% Hungarian, 5.7% Slovak, 5.7% Romanian, 3.8% Rusyn, 2.2% Romany, and 0.2% Ukrainian.

четвртак, 19. мај 2016.

Why does God let bad things happen in the world?

Slobodna volja nam je data jer nas Bog toliko voli.
Uvek možemo birati izmedju Božje volje i naše volje.
Kao što je rekao Isus na krstu nekao "Ali neka budene moja, nego tvoja volja!.
Često mi biramo našu volju, jer smatramo da mi najbolje znamo šta je dobro za nas.
Birajući svoju volje moramo znati da uz to ide i odredjena poslediceishod, odgovornost.

Posledica slobodne volje je 

One of the most controversial issues of our society was and still is the question Why does God let bad things happen to us? This topic is important because many people stop believing in God, or do not want to believe because they have suffered some great loss in their life. I believe that God gave us free will, and with that, there are certain effects on us and others.   

Original sin, also called ancestral sin, is the Christian doctrine of humanity's state of sin resulting from the fall of man, stemming from Adam's rebellion in Eden, namely the sin of disobedience in consuming from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

петак, 13. мај 2016.

Decadency of modern world

WWW The source of information, misinformation and disinformation.


GOD  (God is dead, Human is a God)

FAMILY  (Endangered)

MONEY ( Its all about the money)

SEX (Sexual freedom, individuality/separateness, negative for family)


"Sve vam je dozvoljeno ali nije vam sve i na korist" 

Post kao odricanje zemaljskih dobara bez kojih možemo živeti, nisu nam neophodni, ali ih uzimamo da bi se nasladjivali njima, čak i previše često, ponekad nam postanu bitniji od vode i hleba i duhovne hrane. Postimo da bi smo raskinuli tu navezanost na zemaljska dobra, da se podsetimo da ima nešto više.

Ingesting     Digesting         throwing out   -  Eating

Smisao posta je i da ostavimo malo slobodnog mesta u nama, da bi bili slobodni i otvoreni ka duhovnoj hrani.
Primera radi, ako se ponekad odričemo nekog zemaljskog dobra sa kojim volimo da se nasladjujemo imamo osećaj
da gubimo nešto, da sebi uskraćujemo zadovoljstvo, ali nismo ni svesni da tu prazninu možemo da popunimo sa nečim 
drugim, mi ustvari DOBIJAMO vreme i šansu da uradimo nešto novo, nešto što nije prolazno, nešto što nam niko ne može oduzeti, 
a to je ljubav prema drugome.
Zavet siromaštva ili minimalizam, sa filozofskom mišlju "Less is more" daje nam focus na manje stvari ali stvari koje 
su zaista bitne, kao što su nama bliski ljudi, duhovna hrana, kontemplacija...
Ne možemo a ponekad i ne želimo ništa više primiti ako smo već puni, zar ne?

Na primer, ako smo imali obilan obrok, toliko smo siti da ne možemo više primiti hrane jer osećamo da ćemo se 
Ponekad, ne želimo više primiti jer smo zadovoljili svoje apetite, više nismo gladni 
Da bi dobili nešto više, moramo znati 

Inhaling (O)                        exhaling (CO2)  - Breathing

Često svoj "glad" ćemo utoliti zemaljskim stvarima koji nam i nisu baš na korist, kao što je napisano i svetom pismu 
"Sve vam je dozvoljeno ali nije vam sve i na korist". Jedno je nahraniti svoje telo vodom i hlebom anešto sasvim 
drugo je kad se nasladjujemo kafom, alkoholom, duvanom itd...

Input       > process >      output  - Computer

Who is in control?
For example, we are controlling computer, giving input information to the computer, a computer is processing that info and then it will give us output information.
The same way we are consciously and voluntary giving up ourselves when we are allowing some external thing to have a specific effect on our body or mentally, becoming controlled by earthly things. For example, ingesting alcohol and digesting it, our output such as Emotion, Cognition, and Behavior will have been different if we were sober.

недеља, 8. мај 2016.

Isto kao kad Vukašinu kažu da stavi telefon na odredjeno mestu i onda on ponavljajuci kaže isto to, dakle da ce ostaviti telefon na isto mesto, time pokazuje da ce poslusati drugog ali mora njegovo JA da to potvrdi tj, da ustvari on to uradi zato što njegovo JA to kaže.

Posle nekoliko terapija i ja nešto radim, ne zato što mi je receno ali zato što sam JA to rekao

петак, 6. мај 2016.

Ovde i sada

Kompulsivno kupovanje coffee, na putu do prodavnice želimo samo da kupimo, preispitujući se ponekad, a kad kupimo isto se preispitujuću da li nam treba na putu ne vidimo nikoga i ništa i na taj način ne možemo da budemo u sadašnjem trenutku jer smo stalno u budućnosti ili prošlosti.


Strah od samoće, usamljenost.

Postoji mogućnost da iz straha nalazimo devojku, stvaramo državu (Ukraina), veroispovest (Grko Katolici) 

среда, 4. мај 2016.


Паломнїцтво (28.04 - 04.05.2016) Нови Сад Ужгород Лївов Мукачево

Екстремни национализем як пошлїдок

Simple Definition of nationalism

  • : a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries
  • : a desire by a large group of people (such as people who share the same culture, history, language, etc.) to form a separate and independent nation of their own

loyalty and devotion to a nationespecially :  a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups

Chauvinism is an exaggerated patriotism and a belligerent belief in national superiority and glory.[1]
According to legend, French soldier Nicolas Chauvin was badly wounded in the Napoleonic wars. He received a pension for his injuries but it was not enough to live on. After Napoleon abdicated, Chauvin was a fanatical Bonapartist despite the unpopularity of this view in Bourbon Restoration France. His single-minded blind devotion to his cause, despite neglect by his faction and harassment by its enemies, started the use of the term.[2]
Chauvinism has extended from its original use to include fanatical devotion and undue partiality to any group or cause to which one belongs, especially when such partisanship includes prejudice against or hostility toward outsiders or rival groups and persists even in the face of overwhelming opposition.[2][3][4] This French quality finds its parallel in the British term jingoism, which has retained the meaning of chauvinism strictly in its original sense; that is, an attitude of belligerent nationalism.[4][5][6]
In contemporary English, the word has come to be used as shorthand for male chauvinism, a trend reflected in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, which begins its entry on chauvinism with "an attitude that the members of your own sex are always better than those of the opposite sex."[3][7][8]In 1945, political theorist Hannah Arendt described the concept thus:
Chauvinism is an almost natural product of the national concept in so far as it springs directly from the old idea of the "national mission." ... [A] nation's mission might be interpreted precisely as bringing its light to other, less fortunate peoples that, for whatever reason, have miraculously been left by history without a national mission. As long as this concept did not develop into the ideology of chauvinism and remained in the rather vague realm of national or even nationalistic pride, it frequently resulted in a high sense of responsibility for the welfare of backward people