недеља, 25. септембар 2016.


Socratic method, also known as maieuticsmethod of elenchuselenctic method, or Socratic debate, is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presumptions. It is a dialectical method, often involving a discussion in which the defense of one point of view is questioned; one participant may lead another to contradict themselves in some way, thus weakening the defender's point. This method is named after the classical Greek philosopher Socrates, and is introduced by him in Plato's Theaetetus as midwifery(maieutics) because it is employed to bring out definitions implicit in the interlocutors' beliefs, or to help them further their understanding.
The Socratic method is a method of hypothesis elimination, in that better hypotheses are found by steadily identifying and eliminating those that lead to contradictions. The Socratic method searches for general, commonly held truths that shape beliefs, and scrutinizes them to determine their consistency with other beliefs. The basic form is a series of questions formulated as tests of logic and fact intended to help a person or group discover their beliefs about some topic, exploring the definitions or logoi (singular logos), seeking to characterize the general characteristics shared by various particular instances. Aristotle attributed to Socrates the discovery of the method of definition and induction, which he regarded as the essence of the scientific method.

понедељак, 12. септембар 2016.


Dopustiti sebe da pogrešim i da ne budem etičan, moralan i da me drugi vide i da ja budem ok sa time.

Dopustiti sebi da ne pomognem drugome, slobodna volja, ne odredjivati sebi da MORAM uvek pomoći, nego da pomognem kad to ŽELIM.

Kao da sam izmislio depresiju, kao da sam želeo da budem depresivan, a sada ne želim.

субота, 10. септембар 2016.

Materialism vs Minimalism

Some members of the travel community take the opposite approach. They aim forminimalism or even asceticism. Their intentions are good, but some people use minimalism as a proxy for virtue.
The less I own, the better I am.

It’s the satisfaction of not needing anything, which in and of itself constitutes total freedom—freedom from our hyper-capitalistic society as well as freedom from the most basic and consuming parts of the psyche which, ultimately, want you to be unhappy.

At first, straight-up not buying things might seem profoundly limiting, especially when so much of our routines and self-identities are maintained by spending money. But take a deep breath, look around, and realize that if you can figure out how to severely limit your spending, you’ve just earned total freedom: a ticket out of the invisible consumer prison that keeps the vast majority of people locked into mass hysteria.

After over 15+ months away from what I would call the ‘real world’ I realized that the calm and contentedness I feel is not just a result of doing the things I want, but it’s also due to a sort of Zen-like state brought on by this (not new, but) revived mantra of simplicity.

Spending less simplifies decision-making

What I seem to be coming back to is that the framework ‘don’t spend anything’ is far more satisfying than the framework ‘you have it, might as well spend it’. Why? Because I no longer have to think about things I might buy. That mental bandwidth now goes to things that are actually important and that I care about.
Reducing options might seem counterintuitive to those who think that more is always better. Turns out, it’s not. Not for traveling, not for living.

Knowing you can live on less decreases the fear of doing so.

Set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare, with course and rough dress, saying to yourself the while: “Is this the condition I feared?” –Seneca (Pulled from the 4HWW)

Losing your job sucks, but knowing that you live on almost nothing gives you the confidence that no matter how bad things get you’re going to be fine. Once you’ve been there it isn’t such a big deal anymore.
I could live on board nails. –Thoreau in Walden

Conclusion: The First Step is Admitting there’s a Problem

I’m not convinced that it’s ever too late to check out of this system, but it seems to strike a nerve with people when I make statements like “you really don’t need x-y-or-z to be happy.” Their expression seems to say “how the fuck do you know what I need to be happy?”

The freedom I’m talking about is available right now, today, to anyone, and it doesn’t cost anything. It’s still available no matter how much money you have in the bank, and it never goes away.
Don’t waste your entire life trying to earn it.

Introvert, Extrovert, maybe Ambivert

“It is like they’re bilingual, They have a wider range of skills and can connect with a wider range of people in the same way someone who speaks English and Spanish can.”

The drawback to being an ambivert, Dr. Grant says, is that it can sometimes be difficult for them to know which side of their personality to lead with in a given situation. That means they can sometimes get stuck—not realizing that they need to change their approach to feel more motivated.

they offer neither too much nor too little.

" Let me tell you a story about two thieves. One day they were caught by the guards. They brought them into the court. While they were talking to the judge, two prisoners were begging the judge for mercy, to release them. The judge was thinking and then he decided... there was one cliff near the castle. He said to them, if you can walk across this rope to the other side I will release you. The first prisoner started to walk across, after several minutes he made it across. The second prisoner asked him, how did you do it? He replied,when I was walking across that rope, I got scared and I started to fall on one side while falling I started to pull myself to the other side, after that I started to fall on other side and I again pull myself to the other side. That is the way I walk across. "

Carl Jung popularized the concepts of extroversion and introversion in the early 1920s; he identified a third group but didn’t name it or write much about it. It wasn’t till the 1940s that the term “ambivert” began to be commonly used by psychologists.
Ambiversion has gotten more attention in recent years, as books, TEDx talks and consulting firms have sprung up focusing on introversion and how personality traits impact people’s behaviors in marriages, families and work. More than half the population is ambiverted, according to Wharton’s Dr. Grant. His research shows that roughly two-thirds of people are ambiverts, while one-third are either strong introverts or strong extroverts.

introverts generally want to pull away from stimulation or interaction and regroup, while extroverts want to seek out people and activity. Ambiverts could go either way, based on the situation, she says.

Wharton’s Dr. Grant cautions that ambiverts should try not to get stuck in either an introvert or extrovert role. Ambiverts should remain nimble. Also, sticking with one or the other tendency too long might leave an ambivert drained. The warning signs will be boredom or burnout.

Roles in relationships

What role did we give to ourselves, what role did we gave to others.

What role others gave to us, and what role are they playing.


God (Sun), light (Jesus Christ), heat (Holy Spirit)

Paradox of perception  (Colors under the water)

петак, 9. септембар 2016.

Индивидуализам против колективизма

У данашњем друштву примећујемо да сваки човек жели да буде слободан, сам свој, самодовољан, (желећи да постанемо модерни, угледали смо се на западне вредности) постали смо модерни јер смо се угледали на вредности запада, индивидуализам. Ова тема је важна, јер се овде ради о човековом начину живота. У Светом писму пише : "Где сте двоје или троје окупљени у моје име, ја сам међу вама". Ја снажно верујем, да је


You cannot give somebody something that person already have.

You cannot give freedom to your girlfriend because she is already free.

You can just not take away that freedom that she already have.

Who are you to give something that you took before you give it?

Колективизам у најширем смислу описује теоретски и практични приступ који највећи значај даје групи, а не појединцу.
Колективизам се превасходно интересује за остваривање заједничких, општих, друштвених циљева. То значи да је опште добро увек испред интереса појединца, те да појединац мора да подреди своје интересе групи. Овакво мишљење највероватније потиче од веровања да у борби за опстанак група има више шанси од појединца.
Колективизам је и културолошки друштвени образац који је дубоко усађен у неким друштвима у Латинској АмерициАфрици и Азији а подразумева високу међузависност индивидуа и породица. Стога се за те културе може рећи да су колективистичке.
Данас се под колективизом још и сматрају:
  • Бољшевизам као совјетски облик комунизма
  • Друга комунистичка уређења, пре свега кинеско
  • Кибуцизам, добровољне заједнице у којима људи заједно обрађују земљу и деле имовину (пре свега у Израелу)
  • Политичке теорије које подразумевају заједничку контролу над средствима за производњу
Данас је много баласта на појму колективизма. Многа недела су учињена у име „општих друштвених интереса“. Иако се већина особа понаша у неким ситуацијамаиндивидуалистички а у другим колективистички, често се колективизму даје негативна конотација.


Појам „колективизам“ заправо најчешће користе његови противници. Они се слажу да је борба за опстанак и напредак најизгледнија у групи, али сматрају да су појединци најважнији елемент групе, те да њихов индивидуални напредак доприноси напретку групе. Најгласнији антиколективисти су поборници индивидуализма иобјективизма. Они тврде да је колективизам „фаличан у теорији“ а „неморалан у пракси“.

Индивидуализам је филозофски правац мишљења, осећања и хтења који истиче да је човек одвојен и другачији од других и да је целовита и недељива личност. Индивидуализам подразумева особен систем вредности, теорију људске природе и одређена политичка, економска, социјална и верска уверења и ставове. По индивидуалистима, све вредности морају се сагледавати кроз призму човека, индивидуе, којој се приписује највиши значај. Као теорија људске природе, индивидуализам инсистира на томе да ће интереси нормалне одрасле јединке на најбољи начин бити задовољене ако се јединки дозволи максимална слобода, узодговорност за одабир циљева и средстава којима ће те циљеве постићи.