уторак, 23. август 2016.

Fratricidal war (Yugoslavia)

Determinisam vs free will? God's will

1 Moje rodjenje
2 Moje krštenje (odredilo način života)
3 Ja determinišem svoj život (ovde i sada)

Mnogi ljudi će reći da je porodica, država itd determinisala njegov život.
Roditelji su krivi što su oni depresivni ili država je kriva što su oni siromašni.
U psihozi ljudi će okriviti sve druge za njihovu bolest a ne same sebe.
Ako izgubimo voljenu osobu možemo
1 Neprijatna a funkcionalna TUGA
2 Neprijatna i nefunkcionalna DEPRESIJA

Ja sam mogu da determinišem moj odnos prema toj situaciji a samim tim i prema životu!!

Nik Vujicic (rodjen bez ruku i nogu) on sam je determinisao kakav će život da vodi.
Naravno spoljašnji faktori delimično determinišu naš život ali mi smo ti koji imaju zadnju reč, naš život je u našim rukama.

Libertarians believe in free will.
Cause and effect

Why should we punish somebody or praise somebody if there action are just effects of a cause ?

Internal causes (are shaped by external desires)
External causes
Psychological determinism

"Power of acting according to the determinations of the will: That is if we choose to remain at rest we may; if we choose to move we also may."

For example, if Serbian police come, arrest me and put me in jail, they are external cause, they
forced me to be in jail without my will, taking my freedom, and causing me to fell guilty.
My internal cause

Hard determinist
Soft determinist

John Lock (example)
For example, you have a guy in the room, he does not know that the room is locked, he believes that he can leave whenever he wants. If you ask him he will tell you : "I have a free will and I choose to stay in the room" not knowing that room is locked. Physically he could not have other choices. His free will is an illusion.

Libertarian free will : "The belief that some human actions are freely chosen"

A principle of alternate possibilities. "Action is free only if the person doing the thing - could have done otherwise"

Hard determinism : "The belief that all events are caused by past events such that nothing other than what does occur could occur"  (Everything is caused by previous events)

Event causation "No physical event can occur without having beeen caused by a previous physical event"    (Physical world is deterministic)

Agent causation "Person can start a whole chain of causality that wasn't caused by anything else"

Reductionism "The view that all parts of the world, and of our own experience, can be traced back - or reduced down - to one singular thing"

Mental states > Brain states > biological states > Physical states (Deterministic)

+ Desire
+ Temperament
= Action

Determinizam :

Edip i Sfinga
Edip (grčki Οιδιπους), heroj iz grčke mitologije, sin Laja, kralja Tebe i Jokaste. Prorokovano je da će ubiti svog oca i oženiti se sa majkom.
Pošto je njegovom ocu Laju prorečeno da će biti ubijen od svoga rođenoga sina i da će kraljicu uzeti za ženu, tri dana nakon rođenja sina, Laje je uzeo novorođenče i probušio mu i zavezao noge. Tako zavezanog, odnijeo ga je na jednu divlju planinu (Kitara) i tamo ga ostavio kod jednog pastira. Iz sažaljenja prema tom novorođenčetu, pastir ga daje svom prijatelju, koji je takođe bio pastir i čuvao stado kralja Poliba iz Korinta. Taj pastir ga donosi na dvor kralja Poliba i njegove žene Merope koji su ga kasnije adaptirali i po njegovim oteklim nogama je dobio ime «Oidipus». U Korintu je rastao bez ikakvog saznanja o njegovom porijeklu.
Jednog dana uputio se ka Delfskom proročanstvu ne bi li saznao istinu o sebi. Tamo mu je bilo prorečeno da će ubiti svoga oca i da će oženiti svoju majku. Neznajući da mu to nisu pravi roditelji i zbog straha da ne učini neko zlo svojoj porodici, Edip napušta Korint i odlazi za Tebu. Na putu ka Tebi, na jednoj raskrsnici, susreće se sa Lajom koji je bio u pratnji svojih čuvara. Laje misleći da je Edip neki razbojnik, zabranjuje Edipu da prođe. Edip razbješnjen i ljutini ubija Laja i sve osim jednog od Lajevih pratioca. Sa time se ostvaruje jedno od dva proročanstva.
Pred ulazom u Tebu, Edip nailazi na Sfingu koja je terorisala stanovništvo Tebe i proždirala prolaznike koji nisu znali da riješe njene zagonetke. Ona je bila krilato čudovište sa ženskom glavom a tijelom lava. Sfinga je bila ćerka Tifona i Ehidne, jedne nimfe zmijskog oblika i majke svih čudovišta. Kada je Edip riješio njenu zagonetku, Sfinga se bacila u more i tako je Teba bila oslobođena od Sfinge.
Kao nagradu Edip je proglašen za nasljednika kralja Laja. Tako Edip postaje kralj od Tebe i dobiva kraljicu Jokastu, svoju majku, za ženu. Sa time se ispunjava i drugo proročanstvo.
Jokasta mu je rodila četvoro djece, prvo dva sina blizanca Etokle i Polinike, a zatim dvije kćerke, stariju Antigonu i mlađu Ismenu. Dugo godina su živjeli sretno i pravedno vladali Tebom, dok se jednog dana nije pojavila zaraza koju su bogovi poslali, a od koje nije bilo lijeka. Tebanci nezadovoljni obratili su se kralju za pomoć. Edip šalje brata od Jokaste, svog ujaka Kreona u Delfi, da sazna istinu o zarazi koja je harala Tebom. Proročanstvo iz Delfa objavljuje da treba da se pronađe ubica kralja Laja, i da se objelodani taj zločin, kako da bi se Teba oslobodila te zaraze koju su bogovi nametnuli.
Edip preuzima na sebe da otkrije taj zločin, i tako dolazi do saznanja da je on taj koji je ubio svoga oca kralja Laja i oženio svoju majku Jokastu. Kada je Jokasta to doznala odmah se objesila, a Edip je sam sebi iskopao oči. Kreon, brat Jokastin, postaje kralj od Tebe i protjeruje Edipa iz grada. Tako oslepljen, Edip u pratnji svoje starije kćerke Antigone, luta nekoliko godina po svijetu. Umire u Kolonu, svetoj šumi pored Atine.

Nada kotra mala leukemiju, na dajaki sposob jej bulo determinisane že umre, alje osoba ma šljebodnu volju. Vona še pomirela že jej odredzena šmerc. Verim že determinisane že vona dobije leukemiju, alje našo odnošenje gu tomu nje determinisane. Možeme še pridac situaciji, povinovac še, kotra nam naisce determiniše život ked mi to dopuščime, a možeme prilapic situaciju i zoz svoju VOLJU i LJUBOVU gu životu, zoz našim JA u každim "teraz i tu", determinisac naš život.

Cinga kotri zoz svojim odhodom hljedal da mu še determiniše život tak že mu jedna prorokovala sudjbu, sudjbu kotru von prilapel. Sam hljedal da mu druhi dahto determiniše život.

понедељак, 22. август 2016.

Nosce te ipsum, Nihil nimis / Μηδέν ἄγαν, Γνῶθι σεαυτόν

“It takes more courage to examine the dark corners of your own soul than it does for a soldier to fight on a battlefield”

“Golden rule”

Love others, the way YOU want to be loved.
Love others, the way THEY want to be loved.
Love others, the way THEY NEED to be loved.
Love each other (love><love), the way I (Jesus Christ) loved you.
Identify the way the people around us need to be loved. When we love people the way they need to be loved, it draws them closer to us and us to them.

Ultimate good (God)

Human being – Apriori – Introspective

Nature (world) – aposteriori – Extrospective

Tolerance? No, thanks I choose love.


1 Pleasure
2 New life

Unity in diversity

It is true that most of our world is divided and diverse; there are numerous countries and nationalities. It is important to focus on things that make us closer, not focusing on things that separate as. 

Wild horses

Driven by our own deep passions in life, towards life, for life,
Our ego.
Sometimes that can take us too far away,
So far away from our loved ones, our homeland.
Even going through near death experience.
What is authentic and what is just a copy?
Reins are in our hands, but are we really in charge here?
What to accept and what to reject?
Who are we?
Where are we going? Who will we meet? What will we become?
Is everything a predetermination in life, or do we have a free will.
Is our life in our hands, turning right, turning left, can we turn from paved road?
What is given by our society and what is given by God?
Do you really believe in that, ask yourself?
The words you are writing, the words you are saying.
While we are breaking those limitations that don’t really exist, expanding the boundaries, on the sea, like a boat that is untied from the safe port.
Sitting around the table surrounded by narrow minded horses.
With their blinder, not able to see rear or sides.
Seeing just what is in front of them.
What good can arise from that?
A simple life, free from all possession.
We are all nomad, just passing through.
Taking no more no less then we really need.
We received love from above and we should give that love below.
Never keeping the love we receive, but letting it flow through us.
We can get our knowledge through a priori or through a posteriori,
Through people or through world.
But, the ultimate knowledge is love in us, and it should be between us.

That is the biggest wisdom.

четвртак, 18. август 2016.

Etika, moral

Dopustiti sebi da pogresim, biti ne moralan i ne etican, biti slab i da to drugi vide.

Nije moralno ako MORAS da pomogne[ drugome uvek, nije sloboda ako moras nesto.

Nije moralno ako ynas reyultat i yato radis "moralnu" akciju, samo da bi izbegao rezultat koji ne želiš. (Neka bakica je pala, i znaš da ako joj ne pomogneš ti ćeš se osećati jadno, i to je razlog zašto joj pomažeš, time to nije moralna radnja nego egoistička)  

уторак, 2. август 2016.

Three Opposing Viewpoints on question "Is there a God"?

Throughout human existence/history, people always ask themselves The Question: "Is there a God?". This topic is important because every human being during lifetime will ask himself this question, especially when we are alone in solitude. We should emphasize the fact that we do not have an answer to this question, it was, is and it will be The question. I strongly believe, that everyone will ask themselves this question and that everyone will go through I believe, I do not believe and I do not know. 

Firstly, from the psychological point of view, people who believe believe because they want to believe. The psychology gave us several arguments on why people believe in God. According to the psychology, because life is so hard and some people are unable to deal with daily life alone, they start believing that there is a God. This argument is tightly connected with the following example. For instance, when we are kids and we cannot carry something heavy on our own, we seek help from our parents, especially from our father. In addition, if we have a father who is there and who will help us in that moment and in every moment like that, we fell safety, security, tranquility, stability. In other words, we will believe in our father and count on him that he will be there for us when things become "heavy". Furthermore, when we get older and we can do everything by ourselves, our earthly/biological father is not necessary that much anymore, at that moment we need some higher entity, our heavenly father, God. Only because we had a good father and we could rely on him, we will probably believe and rely on God. From my personal experience, back in childhood in a small village, every year during sowing vegetables in the back yard, there was that father-son quality interaction. It was almost like in Hollywood movies or biblical scene. Therefore, because there was that quality interaction between father and son, the son have the predisposition to believe in God, he will just build on that, some higher belief, because he believed, and he still wants to believe.

You end up believing what you want to believe.

You are

You are what you eat, read, watch, listen, touch,