четвртак, 19. мај 2016.

Why does God let bad things happen in the world?

Slobodna volja nam je data jer nas Bog toliko voli.
Uvek možemo birati izmedju Božje volje i naše volje.
Kao što je rekao Isus na krstu nekao "Ali neka budene moja, nego tvoja volja!.
Često mi biramo našu volju, jer smatramo da mi najbolje znamo šta je dobro za nas.
Birajući svoju volje moramo znati da uz to ide i odredjena poslediceishod, odgovornost.

Posledica slobodne volje je 

One of the most controversial issues of our society was and still is the question Why does God let bad things happen to us? This topic is important because many people stop believing in God, or do not want to believe because they have suffered some great loss in their life. I believe that God gave us free will, and with that, there are certain effects on us and others.   

Original sin, also called ancestral sin, is the Christian doctrine of humanity's state of sin resulting from the fall of man, stemming from Adam's rebellion in Eden, namely the sin of disobedience in consuming from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

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